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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions that might be helpful in your investigation into AVT for your child. 

1. Is there any evidence for AVT?

AVT is evidence based and evidence informed. Here are some links to a few you might find useful and informative.

Check out a new book produced in 2020 by Warren Estabrooks, Helen McCaffrey Morrison and Karen Maclver-Lux:

“Auditory-Verbal Therapy; Science, Research and Practice” – see links below.

2. What is the difference between a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS) and an Auditory-verbal therapist?

They are one and the same! In some parts of the world, AV Therapy sessions are called LSL sessions and the AV Therapist is called a LSLS.

3. What qualifications are needed for an AV Therapist and a listening and spoken language specialist?

Before anyone can qualify as a LSLS or become a certified Auditory-verbal therapist, they must first have a degree in Audiology or as a teacher of the deaf or in speech and language therapy. Once they are qualified, they then are required to train for 3 to 5 years in Auditory Verbal Therapy. Listening and Spoken Language Specialists (LSLS™) are therefore certified by the AG Bell Academy, the global governing body for AV Therapists, only after meeting very robust academic, professional, mentoring requirements. LSLSs have also passed the Academy’s certification exam as the final step in this rigorous process to demonstrate they have voluntarily met the highest professional standards available in the field of listening and spoken language.
Please do check my registration with AG Bell on
LSL Certification ID: 4517893

4. How do I know if AVT is right for our family?

Every family’s needs are different and individual. You can only choose what is right for you based on informed choice. Different people will advise you in different ways but only you can make that choice. The truth is, whatever choice you make will be successful if you are 100% committed to it. You need to ask yourselves – what is my ultimate goal? What do I want for my child and where do I want to see him/her in 10, 15 years’ time? Then ask yourselves what it will take to get to that goal? If you choose to go down the path with using sign language, then you and the whole family need to commit yourselves to learning sign and to become fluent in this. Sign Language is a language in it’s own right so you need to learn it fluently and commit to yourself to this. If you choose the Listening and Spoken Language route, you again need to be 100% committed to this ultimate goal. Ask other families, speak to as many others as you can, talk to professionals and become part of a parents’ group such as Our New Ears.